🌿 Ragy Notes 📚

Site development

Information for people involved maintaining this website.

Consider this an incomplete work in progress. (contrib/development information · Issue #10)

how the site runs

the actual site itself uses:

however other software is required to create the content:

  • zotero
    • zotero extensions to be explicated later
  • ocrmypdf
  • ….

set up local development environment

clone repo to local machine

git clone https://github.com/ragynotes/ragynotes.github.io.git

differences between fresh clone and my local environment


TBAdded: install, configure

see hugo documentation for more options than the below

set up a live reloading server to run locally

hugo serve --buildDrafts

building site to deploy

delete previous docs/ to avoid problems, then build site to the docs folder (from where it is published)

if you do not have trash-cli installed locally, change to rm -r or whatever you do to delete stuff

trash docs && hugo

then push back to github

finding and creating the content

adding and editing content


  • do not open these markdown files in typora or other wyswyg editor as it screws them up.

create page

  • use hugo new for generic
hugo new About/site-development.md

create page with special document template

uses archetypes (docs) to create the entire folder required

hugo new --kind document content/Collected-Documents/document-title
  • the folder “JunkPages” is never built with the site, so use for experiments [is this true?]
  • archetype is defined in ragynotes.github.io/archetypes/document

obtaining files from zotero

This ought to be faster: make zotero do most of the work generating the page components · Issue #19



this produced:

├── bib.bib
└── files
    ├── 792
    │   └── proceedingsofame4318amer_0860.jpg
    ├── 793
    │   └── proceedingsofame4318amer_0860-pg822.pdf
    └── 794
        └── 1895americanpharmaceuticalassociation.meeting.txt

remove files and rename them per template convention


How do you do block comments in YAML?: has this interesting approach


see instructions at theme repo


making changes to theme, must read: add zen theme as submodule · Issue #11


  • 🧺 Did you know? You can download this entire website including all attachments from the github repository